Tuesday, July 9, 2019

milan... a velvet to die for

(Image via Pinterest)

A couple of weeks ago (I know right, where has the time gone!) I went to a fabulous launch at St Leger. They launched lots of wonderful fabrics but the one that blew my socks off was their new velvet called Milan. I know what you're thinking ... there are so many velvets out there, is there space for more? 

Yes! This velvet has a glorious well-worn look and is made from Viscose and Cotton (with a tiny bit of poly) which makes it SUPER soft to the touch. Also, you know how velvet can give you that nails-on-a-chalkboard feeling if you rub it the wrong way? Milan doesn't have this (which is great for touchy-feely tactile people who like things to feel smooth and soft :)

They've launched a small but smart palette of colours that cover the bases in terms of style, era and mood. 

Natural tones include Snow, Dove, Silver and Grey and Chocolate. 

(Image via pdxhousepretty on Instagram)

They also have soft blue which is timeless and restful.

(Image via Loaf on Pinterest)

They've included artillery green - instead of typical hunters green or emerald green - which is a refreshing changeup.

(Image via sofa.com)

Last but not least, they've included a rather daring retro orange and mustard. Very jewel-ish and very delicious.

(Image via thenordroom on Instagram)

Visit St Leger to find out where you can purchase these gorgeous beauties.

Till next time nerds